Full Name
Ms. Anny Barlow
Maritime Security Consultants
Speaker Bio
Anny Barlow brings a diverse set of skills to international maritime security work through a range of experiences that culminate at the intersection of commercial fishing, private sector risk mitigation, and marine science. Following a BS in Oceanography and working as a hydrographer, she spent time in Southeast Asia engaged in multicultural collaboration efforts. She is a seasoned commercial fisherman and a practiced professional providing business conduct data to financial institutions and leading global corporations.Ms. Barlow received a Master of Marine Affairs and a MA in International Studies from the University of Washington where she analyzed discrete disciplinary tools and rationale used in combating extreme labor abuses in fisheries on the high seas in Southeast Asia. She completed a research fellowship at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies to deepen an understanding of how human rights abuses at sea connect with broader maritime security threats.Ms. Barlow’s research interests are at the policy nexus of fisheries’ science, human rights, and Southeast Asian studies. She led assessments in the Indo-Pacific region on the Implementation Status of IUU Fishing Policies, Fair Labor Best Practices, and an investigation on how maritime security threats in the Coral Triangle affect disenfranchised fisherfolk communities.To learn more about Anny, please visit her LinkedIn profile.
Anny Barlow