About Pacific Forum International

Founded in 1975, the Pacific Forum International is a private, non-profit, non-partisan foreign policy research institute based in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Pacific Forum’s programs encompass current and emerging political, security, economic and business issues. Our work helps stimulate cooperative policies in the Indo-Pacific region through analysis and dialogue undertaken with the region’s leaders in the academic, government, and corporate areas.


The Honolulu International Forum (HIF) explores the major political, economic, and security issues in the Asia Pacific directly with the experts, policy-makers, and practitioners themselves through a private, off-the-record breakfast seminar series that is held once a month. HIF members attend small, closed-door roundtable sessions with prominent experts, analysts, and diplomats in the local and international policy-making community. In addition, members electronically receive Pacific Forum publications, featuring analysis and opinions on up-to-the-minute regional issues. The HIF series is currently operating virtually.