Speakers and Distinguished Guests

Opening Welcome Dinner

Keynote Address

Admiral Samuel Paparo

U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Admiral Phil Davidson, USN (Ret.)

Former 25th Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

The Honorable Mac Thornberry

Former U.S. Representative for Texas & Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee

Rear Admiral Robert P. Girrier, USN (Ret.)

President Emeritus
Pacific Forum International

Dr. David Santoro

Pacific Forum International

Featured Guests 

United States and Allies & Partners 

Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE)

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Cyber, Information Technologies, and Innovation, U.S. House Armed Services Committee

Ed Barnabas

Vice President and Chief Technologist
Booz Allen Hamilton

A.J. Bertone

Managing Partner

Deputy Minister Stefanie Beck

Deputy Minister of National Defence Canada

Alexander Bernard

Senior Managing Director

Lieutenant General Scott Berrier, USA (Ret.)

Former Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

The Honorable Kari Bingen

Director for Aerospace, Center for Strategic and International Studies, former Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Dan Blumenthal

Senior Fellow, 
American Enterprise Institute

Brigadier General Emmanuel Boiteau

Commander of the French Liaison Team and Senior Representative
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Michael Brown

Shield Capital

Vice Admiral Blake Converse

Deputy Commander
U.S. Pacific Fleet

James Corera

Cyber, Technology, and Security, Australia Strategic Policy Institute

Ralph Cossa

President Emeritus and WSD-Handa Chair,
Pacific Forum

Brigadier General Patrick Costello, USA

94th Army Air and Missile Defense Command

Major General John Edwards

Director of Global Power Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics

Senior Undersecretary Irineo Cruz Espino

Senior Undersecretary of National Defense, Department of National Defense of Philippines

Scott Farr

Executive Director,
Business Development, Contested Logistics Solutions, Boeing

General Charles Flynn, USA (Ret.)

Former Commander, U.S. Army Pacific

Heather Fortuna Bush

Senior Vice President
 Booz Allen Hamilton

Jeffrey Frankston

Director of Policy, Analysis, and Transition, Office of Industrial Base Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment

Major General Gavin J. Gardner, USA

Commanding General
8th Theater Sustainment Command, U.S. Army

Marcus Garlauskas

Director, Indo-Pacific Security Initiative, Atlantic Council

Brad Glosserman

Deputy Director of and Visiting Professor, Tama University Center for Rule Making Strategies

Phoebe Greentree

Minister-Counsellor (AUKUS) 
Australian Submarine Agency

Nini Hamrick

Vannever Labs

Admiral Harry Harris, USN (Ret.)

Former 24th Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Former U.S. Ambassador to South Korea

John Hemmings

DKI APCSS College of
Security Studies

Colonel Michael Hlad

C4 Operations Division Chief for Command, Control, Communications and Cyber, (J63),
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Major General Steve Hunter OMM, MSC, MSM, CD

Canadian Special Operations
Forces Command 

 Andrea Inserra

Executive Vice President, Booz Allen Hamilton

Aki Jain

CTO & President, 
U.S. Government Business,

Jakub Janda

European Values Center
for Security Policy 

Ambassador Jean-Baptiste Jeangene Vilmer

Ambassador to Vanuatu and Solomon Islands
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Keith Johnson

Director Department of the Defense Solutions Architecture
Amazon Web Services

Cathy Johnston

Vice President, Mission Integration

Vice Admiral Justin Jones, AO, CSC

Chief of Joint Operations
Australian Department of Defence

Brigadier General Martine S. Kidd, USA

Director for Logistics
& Engineering (J4)
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Eugene Kim

Korea Defense Industry Association

Admiral Stephen T. "Web" Koehler, USN

U.S. Pacific Fleet

Hiroshi Koyama

Fellow, Defense & Space
Systems Group
Mitsubishi Electric Company

Kimberly Lehn

Senior Director
Pacific Forum

Dr. Tom Mahnken

President & CEO
Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments 

Whitney McNamara

Senior Vice President 
Beacon Global Strategies

Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mark Montgomery, USN

CCTI Senior Director & Senior Fellow
Foundation for Defense Democracies

Ambassador (Ret.) James Moriarty

Former Chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan

Rear Admiral Ian Murray, AM

Head of Australian Defense Staff Washington 
Australian Department of Defence

Mark Newton

Minister Defence
British Embassy Washington

David Nockels

 First Assistant Secretary for Defence Trade, Regulation, and Industrial Collaboration
Australia Department of Defence

Commodore Peter Olive (Ret.)

Senior Adjunct Fellow
Pacific Forum

Om Prakash

Sector Vice President,
Strategy and Growth,
Northrop Grumman

Lichen Pursley

Director - INDOPACOM RPA Strategy Ops Tactics SME
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc

Eric Quam

Director, China Strategic
Focus Group
U.S. Indo Pacific Command

Major General Neil R. Richardson, USAF

Deputy Director of Operations (J30)
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Dr. Brad Roberts

Center for Global Security Research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 

James Rogers

Co-Founder and Director of Research
 U.K. Council on Geostrategy 

Jedidiah P. Royal

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Indo-Pacific Security Affairs
U.S. Department of Defense

Lieutenant General Joshua Rudd

Deputy Commander
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Congressman Pat Ryan (D-NY)

Vice-Ranking Member of the
 U.S. House Armed Services Committee

Colonel John Sattely (Ret.)

Executive Director for
Contested Logistics 

Eric Sayers

Board Member
Pacific Forum

The Honorable Michael Schiffer

Former Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Asia
U.S. Agency for International Development

Brigadier General Henrik Scholz 

Chief of the Department for Development, Planning,
and Innovation
German Air Force 

The Honorable Randall G. Schriver

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, Department of Defense

Major General Stefan Schulz 

Deputy Head of the
Political Department 
German Ministry of Defense

Demetrius Sevastopulo

U.S.-China Correspondent
Financial Times

Robert Stephenson 

Director (J8) for Requirements and Resources
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

The Honorable David Stilwell

Former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia
U.S. State Department

Sayako Sumomo

Director for International Cooperation
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Agency
Japan Ministry of Defence

Tyler Sweatt

Chief Executive Officer
Second Front Systems

Brigadier General (Ret.) Kenneth Todorov

Sector Vice President and General Manager, Global Battle Management and Readiness Division
Northrop Grumman 
Former U.S. Deputy Director of the Missile Defense Agency 

Dr. Hideto Tomabechi

President and CEO
Cognitive Research Labs, Inc

 Dr. Vaidotas Urbelis 

Defense Policy Director (Undersecretary for Policy)
Lithuania Ministry of Defense

Major General (Ret.) Suzy Vares-Lum, USA

Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Strategic Studies 

Lieutenant General Joel Vowell

Deputy Commanding General  
U.S. Army Pacific

Drew Walter

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Matters
U.S. Department of Defense

Colonel Dave Washer

Director of Operations
U.S. Space Forces Indo=Pacific

The Honorable Katie Wheelbarger

Vice President
Lockheed Martin 
Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs 

Rear Admiral Jeromy Williams

Special Operations Command Pacific

Tom Wilson

Corporate Vice President
Advanced Programs and Capabilities
Northrop Grumman

Dr. Huntley Wright

 Assistant Secretary for
Capability Delivery
New Zealand Ministry of Defence

Brigadier General Michael Zuhlsdorf

Director of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection
U.S. Headquarters Pacific Air Forces



February 12-14, 2025


Ms Kimberly Lehn

Senior Director, Honolulu Defense Forum


Ms Shanna Khayat

Communications & Outreach Manager



Waikiki, Hawai'i