Sponsorship Enquiries


To enquire about sponsorship opportunities for the conference, please contact:


Kimberly Lehn

Senior Director, Honolulu Defense Forum


Sponsorship Levels


  • Diamond Sponsorship - $75,000

    • Significant branding on conference materials and website
    • Access for representatives to all bespoke breakfast meetings
    • Bespoke private meeting room at venue
    • Access for up to 8 representatives to plenary hall, lunches, and dinners
    • Post-Conference Findings Report


  • Platinum Sponsorship - $50,000

    • Significant branding on conference materials and website
    • Access for representatives to all bespoke breakfast meetings
    • Bespoke private meeting room at venue
    • Access for up to 5 representatives to plenary hall, lunches, and dinners
    • Post-Conference Findings Report


  • Gold Sponsorship - $40,000

    • Prominent branding on conference materials and website

    • Access for representatives to 3 bespoke breakfast meetings

    • Access for up to 3 representatives to plenary hall, lunches, and dinners

    • Post-Conference Findings Report 


  • Silver Sponsorship - $30,000

    • Branding on conference materials and website

    • Access for representatives to 2 bespoke breakfast meetings

    • Access for 3 representatives to plenary hall, lunches, and dinners


  • Bronze Sponsorship - $20,000

    • Branding on conference materials and website

    • Access for 2 representatives to plenary hall, lunches, and dinners



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